Our Mission

The ELICSIR Foundation was established to contribute to the advancement of Italian Computer Science culture, research, and higher education, with the goal of elevating its profile and prestige both nationally and internationally.

A central objective of the Foundation is to cultivate a new generation of capable and motivated young computer scientists, supporting them in a growth journey that values their talent and commitment, so that they may in the future lead technological and scientific progress in the productive and research worlds.


The 2025 edition of "Future Foretold" has come to a close. The workshop, organized by the ELICSIR Foundation, was dedicated to undergraduate students in STEM disciplines and took place from February 14 to 17 in the stunning setting of San Servolo Island in Venice. Through seminars, panel discussions, and informal conversations with researchers from academia and advanced industry, PhD students and startup founders, "Future Foretold" provided the more than 70 participating university students with an overview of the major intellectual challenges and, above all, the incredible opportunities that computer science offers in this historical moment.

The Orthogonal School — a project promoted by the ELICSIR Foundation and supported by a generous donation from the philanthropic organization Schmidt Sciences was inaugurated on December 2nd, in the beautiful Palazzo Boncompagni, Bologna in the presence of Schmidt Sciences President Stuart Feldman.  The meeting was introduced with a video-interview of Eric Schmidt, former CEO of Google and founder of Schmidt Sciences together with Wendy Schmidt.

The Call for Admission promoted by the ELICSIR Foundation for the academic year 2024/2025 is now online, for the selection of 20 deserving and talented students enrolled in the third year of a Bachelor’s degree program in STEM fields (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics) at an Italian public university.
The admitted candidates will receive a scholarship of two thousand euros and will have the opportunity to participate in the “Orthogonal Contaminations” training program, a series of meetings that are part of the broader educational offerings of the Orthogonal School in Computer Science. The deadline to submit the application is October 20, 2024, at 11:59 PM (Italian time). The call for admission and the application form are available on the Announcements page.

The selection procedure for admission and the awarding of 20 scholarships to the 1st cycle of the Orthogonal School for the academic year 2024/2025 is now open. Admitted candidates will receive a scholarship of eight thousand euros and will have the opportunity to participate in the Orthogonal School in Computer Science. The deadline to submit the application is October 10, 2024, at 11:59 PM (Italian time). The call for admission and the application form are available on the Announcements page.

The first edition of BOOST — Bologna Orthogonal Summer Term — the Summer School organized by the ELICSIR Foundation aimed at top students from STEM faculties, concluded on August 30, 2024, at the Oratorio San Filippo Neri in Bologna. This first edition of BOOST featured professors from various Italian universities, with talks covering topics ranging from machine learning applications, cloud management, the history of computer science, to applications in bioinformatics and medicine.

The 2024 edition of The Future Foretold, an initiative promoted by the ELICSIR Foundation aimed at students in Bachelor’s degree programs in STEM disciplines, took place in early July with over sixty students participating.
On stage, university professors, PhD students, researchers, and entrepreneurs took turns presenting and discussing specific aspects of computer science research, also with focus on the exceptional career prospects in this sector.

The ELICSIR Foundation is supported through a generous grant from  Schmidt Sciences