Orthogonal School
The main activity of the ELICSIR Foundation is the design and implementation of the Orthogonal School, a two-year excellence program for talented and motivated students who are simultaneously pursuing a Master’s degree in Computer Science, Computer Engineering, or closely related fields (such as Artificial Intelligence, Data Science, and Cybersecurity) at a public Italian university, and who are in good standing with their academic progress.
The Orthogonal School is made possible by a generous grant from Schmidt Sciences.
The Orthogonal School offers educational paths that complement those typically available in university programs, specifically tailored for the field of computer science, with the aim of developing several transversal skills:
being able to read scientific and technical material in depth
being able to speak in order to communicate ideas effectively, for example, by learning how to deliver high-level presentations
being able to write high-quality technical reports, scientific articles, and project proposals, including entrepreneurial ones
learning independently in order to achieve a specific goal that is ambitious and medium- to long-term
conceiving scientific research as a driver of economic and social prosperity, transforming technical and scientific knowledge into successful products and services
conducting independent and original research
Resources for Students
The Orthogonal School offers its students:
a scholarship for the two-year Master’s degree program
personalized educational paths, guided by mentors and established researchers who oversee their development
a series of meetings throughout the year, which include seminar-style activities combined with moments of project collaboration and synthesis of experiences gained during the personalized educational paths. These meetings also aim to develop a strong sense of identity and community among students and mentors. The meetings take place on weekends. Accommodation and travel expenses are covered by the School (up to a maximum limit, set for each event).
financial and organizational support for an internship at a prestigious academic institution or at a leading international company or startup
Participation in the Orthogonal School is based on a selective procedure.
Announcements and Admission Requirements
Participation in the Orthogonal School is based on a selective procedure and is reserved for students enrolled in a Master’s degree program with a focus on computer science at a public Italian university.
Board of the Orthogonal School
Lorenzo Alvisi, Cornell University
Gianfranco Bilardi, Università di Padova
Alessandro Panconesi, Sapienza Università di Roma
Coordinator of the orthogonal academic year
Bruno Codenotti, CNR
Academic Year Calendar 2024/2025
Orthogonal Weekend, Bertinoro and Bologna, November 30 - December 2, 2024
The Future Foretold 2025, San Servolo Island, Venice, February 14-17 2025
Orthogonal Weekend, San Servolo Island, Venice, May 16-18, 2025
BOOST Summer School (first part), Sanctuary of Oropa, July 20-25, 2025
BOOST Summer School (second part), Bologna , August 31 - September 5, 2025 (to be confirmed)
Ortogonalist Students 2024/2025
The students admitted to the Orthogonal School 2024/2025
Giulia Beraldo
Matteo Canton
Ludovico Cappellato
Riccardo Chimisso
Antonella Coviello
Alessandro Dario
Veronica Di Gennaro
Filippo Garagnani
Francesco Giordani
Nancy Kalaj
Federico Mingardi
Silvia Mondin
Simone Moretti
Dario Moschetti
Carlotta Nunziati
Marco Simoncini
Kristjan Jurij Tarantelli
Samuele Tomassacci
Alberto Vendramini
Francesco Visonà
Students in Contamination Program 2024/2025
The students admitted to the Orthogonal Contaminations 2024/2025
Alessandro Giovanni Alberti
Alberto Barbato
Francesco Bittasi
Manuel Cieri
Elena Dal Bò
Marco Fasoli
Mattia Ferrarini
Matteo Fornaini
Nicola Gallucci
Sara Giuriati
Anja Kercuku
Daniele Muscillo
Giorgia Nava
Elettra Palmisano
Giovanni Luca Palombella
Samuel Seligardi
Ludovica Sibilia
Luca Tamburini
Emanuela Tiberi
Lisa Vecchi
the Mentors of the Orthogonal School
The team of Mentors is being updated
Paolo Boldi, Università Statale di Milano
Valeria Cardellini, Università di Roma Tor Vergata
Flavio Chierichetti, Sapienza Università di Roma
Barbara Di Camillo, Università di Padova
Matteo Frigo, Google
Zeynep Kiziltan, Università di Bologna
Elena Loli Piccolomini, Università di Bologna
Vittorio Maniezzo, Università di Bologna
Giovanni Manzini, Università di Pisa
Iacopo Masi, Sapienza Università di Roma
Alberto Montresor, Università Statale di Trento
Antonio Norelli, Oxford University
Lorenzo Orecchia, University of Chicago
Andrea Pietracaprina, Università di Padova
Nicola Prezza, Università Ca' Foscari di Venezia
Geppino Pucci, Università di Padova
Daniele Venturi, Sapienza Università di Roma